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IPTV Freezing and no it's not the sub.

Hope this helps people. I've ran a sub on a few different devices, the best of them being firestick but also zgemma h2s,i55 etc.

On the zgemma I have all the issues spoken about (especially the channel stalling which is fixed by flicking away and back to the channel) but these issues don't occur on the firstick and many other people say the same who I know. That got me thinking and after playing with a few things I downloaded 'flash expander' from the plugins section and set it up with a 16gb stick. Big improvement running wise and as of this morning it will be 2 full days without a stall which used to common.
I thought that plug-in effectively just does the same as the "move to SD" apps for Android , where apps can be moved from the phones flash storage to an external storage?

The video stream cache / buffer I was always lead to believe was held in RAM, meaning it was more important to set up the swap manager instead?
I can only tell you my findings mate. Swapfile made no difference and I'm currently running the one USB which is configured to flash expander and again no issues yesterday at all which I'm overjoyed at
Most IPTV freezing problems can be attributed to the channels being added as type DVB. Use suls script to change to IPTV.

Or even Echannelizer to change stream type to GStreamer or ExtePlayer3
I have flashed with ipab and the box itself doesn't freeze it is just the stream. I can still use the box perfectly fine and to get the stream going again I have to go to the next channel then back to the previous one.

I am using a homeplug so maybe it is that but my friend has the same box as me which I gave him. His is direct to the router via ethernet and has the same problem..
I can guarantee mate if you put a usb memory stick on the back of the box it wont freeze anymore. I had a stick on, no problems, i took it off to see what would happen froze within a minute. I use a 16gb Sandisk Cruzer dont use an unbranded stick. The box doesnt have much memory it will use the usb stick as a buffer which helps. Also the ZGemma does get quite hot too when its streaming.
Just to add a little more to the mix , I have 2 Zgemma H2s Both have the same provider both wired direct from the router One box is fine the other suffers all the above plus USA channels have no audio sync and movement is jerky.
Internet speed is 34-38 Mbps. Have restarted the router and box loads of times and even reflashed the box (woosh 7) nothing makes any difference.
Starting to think it must be the box itself.
Just to add a little more to the mix , I have 2 Zgemma H2s Both have the same provider both wired direct from the router One box is fine the other suffers all the above plus USA channels have no audio sync and movement is jerky.
Internet speed is 34-38 Mbps. Have restarted the router and box loads of times and even reflashed the box (woosh 7) nothing makes any difference.
Starting to think it must be the box itself.

Does one box have service app and one doesn’t? What player is being used? In the main the default zgemma player cannot handle HD 60fps streams (US channels) and you need to use service app to switch the player to ext3player (5002) or GST player (5001). Default Servicemp3 4097 also works
Thanks for your reply . Seem to have got it sorted. The good box was on Service type DVB (1) The bad one was on IPTV (4097).
Changed it and alls ok.
Thanks for your input .
Hi, could anyone help me out going crazy trying to fix the following
ZGEMMA 7c running wooshbuild infinity with cable line and iptv. The iptv keeps freezing after about a minute and when I change channel and back again its working for a minute then freezing again
I have tried the following rebooted router changed router settings firewalls etc. Disabled my cable line while playing iptv, changed the mount name to xbox. I have the same line on my firestick and it doesn't freeze, maybe virgin have decected the iptv on the network.
Any help appreciated
they are required by law now to block illegal iptv services especially when football is on all i could suggest is a vpn or it could be the router it is possible with certain virgin routers to put them in "modem mode" like the old fashioned way then you connect to a switch.
Might have to try a vpn. How come they can't detect the iptv on the firestick? Is it easier for them to decected it on a zgemma? Thanks for the reply allrounder55
firestick is wi fi but it will still be on your network , zgemma is ethernet via a cable. again on your network my router sees the zgemma as unkown but ive had issues to day luckily its ok now. Does it freeze everytime youre trying it or at specific times during the day or night?
are the channels FHD or does it freeze on any type of channel eg HD, SD ? does it do it on specific channels or every channel? A good way to test is see if its ok on Video on demand is it just live streams its happening on?
Just tried it after the man utd game and seems to be fine again, so virgin must be able to recognise the iptv on zgemma but not on my fire stick !
As far as I'm lead to believe this is down to the hardware used in the enigma2 boxes. Or the middleware stalker or whatever it's called. You won't get this issue in the mag boxes or firesticks and that's due to those devices auto refreshing when a streams quality changes. Say for instance a stream changes from 720 to 1080 the enigma won't autorefresh and therefore freeze the stream until you manually refresh it by switching channrl and back again. I looked at this for over a year and tried flash drives, available plugins, WiFi monitors for dropouts etc.

Makes the most sense as it is specific to enigma2
I've had freezing on the football today on Nvidia Shield, provider own app, but the same app on my phone was faultless. Phone is WiFi, shield is ethernet.

Not had freezing for months, I'm thinking of testing a VPN, weird how the same sub acts differently on different devices. Shield is hardly a poor device either.
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