Failing that try loading your c line by usb , open notepad on your pc , paste your line on , then press save as , were it says file name type CCcam.pdf (first 2 c's are capitals ) and underneath that were it says text document change that to all files and save it onto your usb stick
OK guys i have tried another N line but still zip nada fook all , so i'm going to try to load it to a USB flash drive ......
As quoted above , do i still name an N line file the same ie : CCcam.pdf or do i name the file Newcamd.pdf ???
Ok i tried both CCcam.pdf and Newcamd.pdf and neither of the files are showing under "image upgrade" ???
Am i using the right USB ??
Shite man,,,,,,, this box is soon going to be a frikin door stop !!!! like my old 500c's LOL