that's a strange one, not seen that problem before.Hi just added a new line ,every time I change channel I have to refresh the ccam, worked fine before ,anyone else have this problem on zgemma h2h thanks
that's a strange one, not seen that problem before.Hi just added a new line ,every time I change channel I have to refresh the ccam, worked fine before ,anyone else have this problem on zgemma h2h thanks
it looks like the flash files aren't found, do you have a HDD or USB setup and intialised?Hi Grog tried installing this on a DM800 hd se but got the error attached. Any idea whats wrong?
View attachment 37826
what is installed on the box at the moment, the script uses ofgwrite to flash the box during setup and the error is suggesting the box doesn't have it installed.Hi Grog tried installing this on a DM800 hd se but got the error attached. Any idea whats wrong?
View attachment 37826
opkg install ofgwrite && cd $(find /media/hdd/backup_openatv_dm800se/latestforgrogbuild/ -type d -maxdepth 2 2> /dev/null|sed '$!d') && ofgwrite -r -k ./
ah, yes that might be it, if the usb stick isn't the normal one you use for recording then it will need to be initialised on the box first. You will then need to run the script from very start and ignore my last post.yes 32gb usb stick. should i convert to ext3 or 4?
what is installed on the box at the moment, the script uses ofgwrite to flash the box during setup and the error is suggesting the box doesn't have it installed.
You could try entering the following line commands:
It should then install ofgwrite and then flash the box and setup using the settings you entered.Code:opkg install ofgwrite && cd $(find /media/hdd/backup_openatv_dm800se/latestforgrogbuild/ -type d -maxdepth 2 2> /dev/null|sed '$!d') && ofgwrite -r -k ./
ok so ofgwrite should be installed so the issue is probably due to you not using a usb stick that has been initialiised on the boxopenatv 6.1 is installed
yes, download the flash files from here and use a formatted (FAT32) usb to flash, then add GB Freerange when it gets to HDMI settingsAny other way of flashing the receiver? USB perhaps?
It should but open 6.2 is the latest upto date with 6.3 is still in working progress might be problems further down the line if you install thstok ill try it but grog did say 6.1 should be fine
I have a clone receiver and cant get openatv 6.2 to install on it. The link pablo gave me is for official dreambox. Any suggestions?
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