the tuners should be setup, you should just need to run an abm scan. can you post screenshot of the blue screen that appears?6.2 pal i never restored settings was just trying to do a clean install
im going to do it again pal..and restore my settings see if at works if not will post picturethe tuners should be setup, you should just need to run an abm scan. can you post screenshot of the blue screen that appears?
Thanks have done that , but still no when I restart the cam at mine it works , but at her house it says no ECM but cam active.Try putting the box in deep standby, reboot his router and then when the router is back online turn box back on.
Thanks have done that , but still no when I restart the cam at mine it works , but at her house it says no ECM but cam active.
sorry not got what plugins?Hi guys
Just out of intrest How often do you recommend to do an update please has in the build not the plugins cheers
what is the IP of the box, should work even if hostname doesn'tHi grog68
I am trying to access my box zgemma star h2 what name would i put in as i have tried everything not be able to access and can not access with ip add either
Hey just a quick question if you dont mind, I've just updated to your latest build and im upto this point:what is the IP of the box, should work even if hostname doesn't
Press the menu button on your remote and then select Information -> Network and you should see the hostname listed but if you can't load it using the IP then probably have less chance using the hostname
root as username no password needed.
Yes correct. Try just sending over pc.Still failing to connect, host = root, port I've put 21, idk if it matters, password is empty. Correct?
Yes scans perfect she had problems till she pulled Ariel out then put back in and updated everything ,As @pabloescaban mentioned earlier, could it be that she is in a different network ID area?
If you run an abm scan (hold blue button until extension menu appears and select AutobouquetMaker scanner) does it can OK?
Does E2Iplayer stream ok when at her house? I use the watch series ap as a test as that's normally pretty stable.
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