Sky One and Two updated still no Sky Animation
Running the srp script and it seems to delete the hdd/picon folder and no picons are downloaded to the hdd folder.
Also is there a way of telling the zgemma where to look for picons in the past I have stored them in /share/enigma2/picon and had them work.
Does the srp script work well with iptv?
Thank you it's likely an error on my part. Will try a reinstall toight. I am on thr latest wooshbuild fwiw.
Out of interest what does srp and SNP stand for, and what are the differences?
When you say .TV reference do you mean the channel name or something embedded in the m3u file? Is there a way of editing these so the picons work?
Ah Ok thank you
For all the IPTVers out there, in wooshbuild's plugin installer [in full TV press green and then green again] under extensions there is an addon called setpicons
you can use that to assign picons to IPTV channels. With 9k picons to scroll through it isnt a fast process though lol.
but it might help fill blanks or for those of us with patience.
New Picon IPKS just updated run the plugin. Please say if you are using SRP or SNP Picons when reporting missing picons as I can test them faster when knowing the version used
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