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DsayersBuild Dsayers Openatv complete backup for zgemma H.2H

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Thanks I will give that a go tonight.
The Cross EPG downloader no longer updates for 106/107/108 so I assume I want to swap Virgim for Slky?

I been told by my IPTV provider to use EPG-Importer but this takes ages and is very hit/miss

Thought you was using Sky only Post 212? I was having crossepg issues so ive started using epg importer on ATV 6.0 for sat and EPG refresh for Virgin

Thought you was using Sky only? I was having crossepg issues so ive started using epg importer on ATV 6.0 for sat and EPG refresh for Virgin

Yes Slkye only but no line anymore - just IPTV and freeview - but I prefer the EPG before I then to switch to the IPTV (as the channel numbers seem to be changing on daily basis)
I presuming your build defaults to Virmin for the HD channels - hence I assume to get the EPG working I need to change the channels back to Sklye?
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To change back to sky go through the setup ie delete file in dsayers importer and auto fetch file no, disable epg refresh and change sky uk to your area custom if your wanting FTA in abm providers sky uk change FTA only to yes that should remove all premium Sky channels from bouquets.
To change back to sky go through the setup ie delete file in dsayers importer and auto fetch file no, disable epg refresh and change sky uk to your area custom if your wanting FTA in abm providers sky uk change FTA only to yes that should remove all premium Sky channels from bouquets.
That's made it worst now most bouquets empty. :(
So somehow before I replaced sky1/2HD etc with SD versions so I could get EPG listings
But those channels are no longer working and you said your using sky with no line so you'll want fta only. Maybe start a new thread going into detail of what you're wanting to do and we can go into detail

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
cable only mate, when I scanned channels all worked but when i do bouqet scan for my area I lose channels I get (well be back screen).
I get lots of N/A on boquetts when channel scan is complete
Are you sure you hae the correct netid? There isnt HD FTA channels on cable.

For the n/a in ABM choose delete bouquets then menu, setup, service searching, do an automatic scan on tuner b only then re scan abm again
Did you go through the cable only setup ie delete file in Dsayers Custommix blue button to delete file then turn autofectch to no?

If you did can you post pics of your abm providers settings

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
yes mate did all that.

ABM settings look correct if you have the correct netid.

Ok did you try delete then automatic scan then abm scan as mentioned in post 227?

If that doesnt work maybe start a new thread explaining your setup and see if other users have ideas maybe signal/splitter setup
ABM settings look correct if you have the correct netid.

Ok did you try delete then automatic scan then abm scan as mentioned in post 227?

If that doesnt work maybe start a new thread explaining your setup and see if other users have ideas maybe signal/splitter setup

I get all channels in hd and others when i scan channels, they have epg but N/A for channel, as soon as i do abm scan all is black.
tried your delete method.
does net id have to match my area, cant find one for sunderland
also tuner is set to VM uk (ex CW)
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dsayers do yo have any experience of a keepalive function on this image ?

just recently I've had to manually start mgcamd quite often when switching from fTa
I don't have issues with manually restarting cam but if you want to try keep alive try it like this

CWS = 12000 user-10980 168248 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
CWS = 12000 user-10980 168248 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

Some use 60 bit I think that would be overkill
Hi dsayers2014, getting 'Tuning failed fatal' at the AutobouquetsMaker scan stage. Dont think Im doing anything different (still ID 00006) or removed away from your guide. Only observation is I dont have the same Virgin Media UK (6952) as before only the following choices:
VM Ireland Bruteforce
VM UK (ex cw)
VM Media (Pure)
VM Media UK (Telewest)
VM Media UK (Brute force)

Same result on all. Bit stuck now!
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