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Channels gone black on 19.2°E | Page 62 | Techkings

Channels gone black on 19.2°E

Open atv 7.2 python 3.11
Now available

openATV Nightly Downloads
yes and also,

openATV 7.0 will be discontinued on December 31, 2022

We will stop updating the 7.0 images on December 31, 2022

we then move testing to the 7.2 image and the 7.1 becomes the stable image.

The image download as well as the FEED will remain online after December 31, 2022,
Then there are no more updates.

An update from 7.0 to 7.1 should work for you without any problems, please use
Flash Online, you can take over your settings during the update,
yes and also,

openATV 7.0 will be discontinued on December 31, 2022

We will stop updating the 7.0 images on December 31, 2022

we then move testing to the 7.2 image and the 7.1 becomes the stable image.

The image download as well as the FEED will remain online after December 31, 2022,
Then there are no more updates.

An update from 7.0 to 7.1 should work for you without any problems, please use
Flash Online, you can take over your settings during the update,
Is anyone using OpenATV 7 and above? Is it stable?

I'm still on OpenATV 6.4 :blush:
Hello i'm Trying to setup Install OSCAM iCAM – V8 – MIPSEL on Wix image. Because all the channels from Germany on astra 19 e is black.
i was wondering is there any possibility that someone here could help me install this in teamviewer, I don't have enough knowledge about this.
If you are struggling use a script
This will set up your oscam and sky de icam channel list All you need to do is add your
Oscam server in etc tuxbox config files with f.t.p
Program such as filzilla
Telnet script for ICAM
1: Install Fresh & Clean Open ATV min 6.4 to max 7.0.
2: Setting as follows in Menu - Settings - Operation & surface - Extras:

Integrate ECM into HTTP streams on YES
Decrypt HTTP Streams NO
Decrypt received HTTP streams NO
Load unmounted bouquets YES

Important! There must be a channel list where Sky channels are available, no matter which one! Otherwise it won't work!

And only now do the following:
Call up WebIF with the IP address of your box / alternatively with Putty and SSH/Telenet
Go to Terminal below and log in as root
Enter the URL you received from us. Important! Each user has a different URL, so only ever use the URL you get from us!
Wait until everything is ready Box Restarts

After rebooting, start/restart OSCAM
Try Sky channels afterwards!
I may sound like a complete idiot but this is too complicated for me. isn't there someone friendly who could possibly help me through treamviewer here
I may sound like a complete idiot but this is too complicated for me. isn't there someone friendly who could possibly help me through treamviewer here
I can help you through TeamViewer but I know less about satellite TV than you.
I can install softcams and other packages/plugins etc but not a clue how to configure stuff for foreign satellites etc.
It would have to be tomorrow, I'm out now in a meeting with Mr Bulmer.
Using latest openvix images

Install a sky de bouquet for icam

Install ncam with Icam patch ( I find this works better for me than oscam)

Add your server details (will only open if your provider supports it)
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