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Channels gone black on 19.2°E

This is the configuration I would use
For European caids and virgin

disablecrccws_only_for = 098C:000000;09C4:000000;1841:000000;1811:003311,023311,003315,003341,00331B,000007,000107;0500:030B00,032830,042800,042820,050F00;1819:00006D,000007;098D:000000;0E00:000000;1884:000000 >
This is the configuration I would use
For European caids and virgin

disablecrccws_only_for = 098C:000000;09C4:000000;1841:000000;1811:003311,023311,003315,003341,00331B,000007,000107;0500:030B00,032830,042800,042820,050F00;1819:00006D,000007;098D:000000;0E00:000000;1884:000000 >

i had to add to each reader where cable has not been fixed,
services = !blockxxx
then make a with.
caid = 1841
provid = 000000

Does the above do the same?
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i had to add to each reader where cable has not been fixed,
services = !blockxxx
then make a with.
caid = 1841
provid = 000000

Does the above do the same?

No it doesn’t. What you have done there will block caid 1841 from which ever reader you add it to (like you mentioned in your earlier post)

The disablecrccws as mentioned above by linesman is needed to clear some caid’s where crc checks aren’t used such as Sky DE or VM
services = !blockxxx
Gets added to the reader.

caid = 1841
provid = 000000

Goes in goes in the same location as oscam.server

I still have the disable values also in the reader
0E00: 000000
0500: 30b00,032830,041950,042800,042820,050F00
098c: 000000
098d: 000000
09c4: 000000
1708: 000000
1709: 000000
1712: 000000
1811: 003311,023311,003315,003341
1817: 000000,00006A
1818: 000000,00006C,000007
1819: 00006D,000007
1841: 000000
1883: 000000
1884: 000000

List off Caids which need DISABLECRCCWS or CWs checksum test,
Try experimenting with these values
The Protcol is different Its trail and error

disablelog = 1
logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
fallbacktimeout_percaid = 09C4:350
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 1000
preferlocalcards = 2
lb_mode = 1
lb_save = 1500
lb_nbest_readers = 3
lb_nfb_readers = 4
lb_max_ecmcount = 100
lb_reopen_seconds = 300
lb_retrylimit = 500
lb_max_readers = 4
lb_auto_betatunnel = 0
lb_retrylimits = 09C4:400
lb_nbest_percaid = 09C4:3
failbantime = 999999
failbancount = 1
suppresscmd08 = 1
disablecrccws_only_for = 1811:003311,023311,003315,003341,00331B,000007,000107;0500:030B00,032830,042820,041950,043800,043820,050F00;1817:000000,00006A;1818:000000,00006C,000007;1819:00006D,000007;098C:000000;09C4:000000;098D:000000;0E00:000000;1884:000000;1708:000000;1841:000000;1709:000000

label = username
protocol = cs378x
device =,20000
user = user
password = passwd
keepalive = 1
disablecrccws_only_for = 1811:003311,023311,003315,003341,00331B,000007,000107;0500:030B00,032830,042820,041950,043800,043820,050F00;1817:000000,00006A;1818:000000,00006C,000007;1819:00006D,000007;098C:000000;09C4:000000;098D:000000;0E00:000000;1884:000000;1708:000000;1841:000000;1709:000000
cacheex = 2
cacheex_maxhop = 3
cacheex_drop_csp = 1
cacheex_block_fakecws = 1
group = 60
dropbadcws = 1
audisabled = 1

user = user
pwd = passwd
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,60
cacheex = 2
cacheex_maxhop = 3
cacheex_drop_csp = 1
no_wait_time = 1
cacheex_block_fakecws = 1

disablecrccws_only_for = 1811:003311,023311,003315,003341,00331B,000007,000107;0500:030B00,032830,042820,041950,043800,043820,050F00;1817:000000,00006A;1818:000000,00006C,000007;1819:00006D,000007;098C:000000;09C4:000000;098D:000000;0E00:000000;1884:000000;1708:000000;1841:000000;1709:000000

cw_cache_memory = 256
cw_cache_settings = 0:2:4000
ecm_cache_size = 256
ecm_cache_droptime = 15
max_hit_time = 20
wait_time = 0:100:450,0100:995,0500@050F00:450,0500@041700:650,0648:495,098C:225,098E:195,09C4:195,09C7:375,09:295,0B00:850,0D95:2000,0D96:750,1722:995,183E:2100,1811:400,1830:400,1843:490,1810:995,18:995
cacheex_dropdiffs = 1
csp_allow_request = 0
cacheex_cw_check = 1702:-1,1843:-1,1722:-1,1834:-1,0100:-1,0500:-1,0648:-1,0B00:-1,0B01:-1,0B02:-1,0D05:-1,0D95:-1,0D96:-1,1702:-1,1722:-1,1803:-1,1810:-1,1811:-1,1833:-1,1834:-1,1835:-1,1838:-1,183D:-1,1843:-1
wait_until_ctimeout = 1
cwcycle_check_enable = 1
cwcycle_check_caid = 1843,183D,1810,0500,1722,1831,1835,1838,0100,0B00,0B01,0B02,1802,1803,1805,1861,0604,1814,1880,1884,0D95,0D96,1819,0624,0609,183E
cwcycle_maxlist = 4000
cwcycle_keeptime = 240
cwcycle_usecwcfromce = 1

hi can you please tell me where these settings need to be added to which files,or can you give best settings so i dont get any freezes please
hi can you please tell me where these settings need to be added to which files,or can you give best settings so i dont get any freezes please
Sounds like you aren't familiar with editing files in oscam.
get your boxes IP address.
enter it in browser adding :9000 a the end eg then press enter this will open the oscam interface.
Now click Files
then Oscam server
to edit the Global files from the oscam interface you you need to click config then global.
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Try Oscam emu Version 1.20-s.v.n build r11581-798
Use filezilla if your not firmalir with openwebif
Once you have Connected to the box
Oscam emu
You will see

Oscam .config
Oscam server
Add the values safe
Reboot reciever

Add this to

and this oscam.dvbapi:

I: 186A
I: 1860
I: 098D
I: 098C
P: 1830 # HD01
P: 1843 # HD02
P: 09C4::14B7 #Puls4 HD
P: 0648::002A #Sportdigital HD
P: 0D98::1194 #Sportdigital HD
P: 09C4::0084 #DAZN 1
P: 09C4::007A #DAZN 2
P: 09C4 # SKY V13
P: 0D95 # ORF ICE
P: 0648 # AustriaSat

P: 0624::07D0
P: 0B00 # MTV
P: 0100 # XXL
P: 0500 #XXX
Try Oscam emu Version 1.20-s.v.n build r11581-798
Use filezilla if your not firmalir with openwebif
Once you have Connected to the box
Oscam emu
You will see

Oscam .config
Oscam server
Add the values safe
Reboot reciever

Add this to

and this oscam.dvbapi:

I: 186A
I: 1860
I: 098D
I: 098C
P: 1830 # HD01
P: 1843 # HD02
P: 09C4::14B7 #Puls4 HD
P: 0648::002A #Sportdigital HD
P: 0D98::1194 #Sportdigital HD
P: 09C4::0084 #DAZN 1
P: 09C4::007A #DAZN 2
P: 09C4 # SKY V13
P: 0D95 # ORF ICE
P: 0648 # AustriaSat

P: 0624::07D0
P: 0B00 # MTV
P: 0100 # XXL
P: 0500 #XXX
Thanks @ linesman66
This is why I love the techkings community so much. You never stop learning & people are only to happy to help members old & new .
Astra 1M, 19.2°E

(18h51) Sky Deutschland: A new channel has started in DVB-S2 VideoGuard: Sky Cinema DC Helden HD (Germany) on 11992.50MHz, pol.H SR:27500 FEC:9/10 SID:111 PID:255[MPEG-4]

(18h48) Sky Deutschland: Sky Cinema Special HD has left 11992.50MHz, pol.H (DVB-S2 SID:111 PID:255[MPEG-4]
English), it is no longer transmitted by satellite in Europe.
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