flashing a zgemma h5.2s for a friend of my sons, When moving some of his sat channels onto his VM bouquets seeing something similar as others in previous posts on this thread, After I have put the channels on, I then go to them and press enable move mode, thats when I then see loads of blank channels, so I can only take a note of what number I want to put the channel on and do it that way, I have never seen that before on any of my own boxes, another thing that I have noticed is whenever I press TV button or the down arrow , its just a smaller box on the screen that appears in the middle , on my own box its a full screen, tried to change his box to full screen but cant find any way to do it that works, its the same image and build as my own box open atv 6.3 and Grogbuild, I was hoping someone would have an idea as how to fix any of these two issues, thanks.