so I've noticed that with my current provider and other providers in the past, my service works well for the most part during the morning. But around peak hours, I get buffering. Sometimes, I can watch something for a 2-3 hours and don't get any buffering. Like last night's NBA Finals game 1. Other times, it'll buffer a 2-3 times an hour.
I currently use firestick 4k max. I've tried doing everything suggested and nothing seems to be working. I've tried using it with and without vpn, wireless and wired, clear cache, reset modem/router, close all background apps.
I've asked in reddit and most people say that their service doesn't buffer at all or maybe 1-2 times a week, but I don't trust them because I'm not sure if they're resellers or not.
So guys, is it normal/acceptable for a service to be buffering daily and several times during peak hours?