It's been a while since I last dived into the Zgemma H2S was a reliable box for many years.So after giving it a reboot I decided to reinstall the latest version of OpenATV 6.4..
Manged to follow the great walk through for wooshbuild when installing, but have come across a few issues..
Now I am aware that you have to skip the formatting the USB part due to a blue screen error..But I have noticed when installing plug inside alot of them fail see attachment of picture just taken
Any help would be great, and also has anyone noticed the Zgemma H2S become slow in operating them..Seems like lack of memory once wooshbuild is fully installed and running
It's been a while since I last dived into the Zgemma H2S was a reliable box for many years.So after giving it a reboot I decided to reinstall the latest version of OpenATV 6.4..
Manged to follow the great walk through for wooshbuild when installing, but have come across a few issues..
Now I am aware that you have to skip the formatting the USB part due to a blue screen error..But I have noticed when installing plug inside alot of them fail see attachment of picture just taken
Any help would be great, and also has anyone noticed the Zgemma H2S become slow in operating them..Seems like lack of memory once wooshbuild is fully installed and running