Ok I think I am nearing the end with this Zgemma H7S. I have a spare Zgema h7s, one with HDD sticking out and will lend that as a cover in case uno etc. But when I put the HDD from the wonky Zgemma all the recordings were either hidden or .... The image on spare box is Opevix but 4 slots are full.
I then had a bright idea go back to old box and use Willo and hey presto recoRdings appeared. This was at 11.30 and I used box as normal zapping channels, checking epg, and using movie. I was on channel cH4 and had just pressed File list when I got a phone. After call went back to box and .... the box had frozen in that no response to remote and I used 2 different remotes from about 6 inches away. Nothing zilch, but the CH4 was playing away in the mini window. will do a rebbot now and post crash log when I remember how to zip it.
But why did the recordings disappear and I assume if I flash Willo to the spare box recordings will be available. I will use a different SSD first.