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What am I doing wrong Openbox V5S | Techkings
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What am I doing wrong Openbox V5S


I followed these instructions from

1. Extract the downloaded file & copy contents (TP_PROG.dbs) to USB drive formated to fat32.
2. Plug the usb drive into the box.
3. Press menu on the remote and go to 'Edit Channel' and delete all your channels.
4. Exit back from the 'Edit Channel' menu and go to the 'Tools' menu
5. Select 'Upgrade by USB'.
6. In the next Window that pops up, use arrow keys to change top line to 'MISC FILES'
7. Move down to 'SELECT AND UPGRADE'
8. A new window opens, select 'TP_PROG.dbs' press green button to place a tick by it and then press Yellow button to upgrade
9. If the box asks you to confirm anything just press Yes.
10. Reboot box & Enjoy

but no channels are unscrammbled
go to camd setup ccam client setup manage config files click ccam.cfg does it say online / offline or flicking between login and offline
to make it clear you have to do 2 things.

firstly import the channel list, which is the process you explained already. This does nothing more than setup the list of channels.

The second part you want, requires you to get a C Line from a provider and enter that onto the box too. Theres a request thread in the General Satellite forum where you can request recommendations. The instructions of how to get that on to the box are readilly available in this forum.
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