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Tivimate and Mytvonline


Had a used formuler z10 pro max delivered Friday ( there’s an issue with it and am most likely going to have to return it , however that’s another story). Reason I bought it , was I like the integration the remote has with the MTVOL app. Buttons to turn on guide,channels,fave etc.Now I have used Tivimate on various boxes and TiviMax on my Apple TV box and like that app but I wish there was a way of programming buttons on a remote to do in Tivimate or IMplayer , what those do on the formuler remote. I believe buzz tv offer a similar experience on their boxes and remotes.
Buzz TV boxes are very underrated imo and the remote on them are very good and setup to work with the app perfectly.

Not something ive gone into in length but Tivimate can use other remotes and be programmed to work with various key options. Sadly, from what i remember there is not a cheap option, and you are looking at Harmony remotes and the like.
Buzz TV boxes are very underrated imo and the remote on them are very good and setup to work with the app perfectly.

Not something ive gone into in length but Tivimate can use other remotes and be programmed to work with various key options. Sadly, from what i remember there is not a cheap option, and you are looking at Harmony remotes and the like.
Yes , I wish I had looked at Buz TV before I bought the Formuler . The Formuler works exactly as I want it to , but looking at the Buzz remote , the button list covers everything on the iptv app. Buttons for , Movies , TV Series , Guide, Channels , favs , categories , even a button for playlist , so you can change to another list instantly. I looked at that XRS4500 that is in your device list. They are available on ebay , but it hasn't got gigabit lan and am getting virgin fibre in next week . Also 2gb ram , am sure that is probably enough for snappy scrolling but 4gb always attracts my attention more.
Yes , I wish I had looked at Buz TV before I bought the Formuler . The Formuler works exactly as I want it to , but looking at the Buzz remote , the button list covers everything on the iptv app. Buttons for , Movies , TV Series , Guide, Channels , favs , categories , even a button for playlist , so you can change to another list instantly. I looked at that XRS4500 that is in your device list. They are available on ebay , but it hasn't got gigabit lan and am getting virgin fibre in next week . Also 2gb ram , am sure that is probably enough for snappy scrolling but 4gb always attracts my attention more.
Ive had the XRS4500 a long time mate it is ageing now but working well still, look into more recent models im sure some will a a 1gig port.
I've been really impressed with Phillips new Smart Tv setups tbf.
With tivimate premium the remote is simple to setup and I would recommend it. Didn't need a seperate box. might get an external usb hard drive for tecordings

I am amazed no proper provider has tried to learn from Tivimate. Going back to using VM and Sky interfaces is so slow and uncustomisable
I've been really impressed with Phillips new Smart Tv setups tbf.
With tivimate premium the remote is simple to setup and I would recommend it. Didn't need a seperate box. might get an external usb hard drive for tecordings

I am amazed no proper provider has tried to learn from Tivimate. Going back to using VM and Sky interfaces is so slow and uncustomisable
Must be an android version
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