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The complete idiots guide to installing Kodi & Mobdro with EVERY step explained | Techkings
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The complete idiots guide to installing Kodi & Mobdro with EVERY step explained


TK Veteran
After over 100,000 view of my last Idiots guide, I thought Id write one for Kodi (and Mobdro) as Im seeing the same questions come up time and time again.
Yes its wordy, yes its lengthy, but every step is explained, and you simply jump the bits you dont need or want.
If your going to install just the basic add-ons, I suggest Spectro-Fork, Exodus, UK Turks Playlist, and Final Gear.
And, if you like the guide, please click on Thanks and Like!

How to get Kodi & Mobdro installed on an Amazon Fire stick, any Android box, a Raspberry Pi, and, install all the best plugins, and get your Zgemma box up and running thru Kodi:

This guide makes several assumptions:

- Your Zgemma box has Openwebif on it (comes as standard with woosh's and iPab's build)
- You have already added all your favourite channels to the "Favourites (TV)" bouquet on the Zgemma (dont worry if you havent).
- You have an IQ above 50, can read, and follow simple instructions.
- You are using Kodi Jarvis (v16) or the beta v17

Yes yes yes there are ways to give your Zgemma a static IP address. If you want to do that, google it elsewhere.
This setup is simple, and works, and if your Zgemma's IP address ever does change, it takes less than 30 seconds to update it in Kodi (look for the IP Address instructions in Part 5), and your back in business.

The guide is in 7 pretty straight forward parts (and dont give up already just because it says there are 7 parts!)

Part 1 - Get your Zgemma's IP address (that was short n sweet!)
Part 2 - Make the Fire tv stick accept software that isnt from the Amazon market (almost as quick to do)
Part 3 - Acquire and install the (free and legal) software required onto your PC to install those apps onto the Fire stick (5 minutes work tops)
Part 4 - Install Kodi and Mobdro onto the Fire stick over wi-fi - commonly called "sideloading" (another 5 minutes tops)
Part 5 - Setup the PVR plugin on Kodi that streams your Zgemma channels (3 minutes work at the most)
Part 6 - Heck, youve now got Kodi - so why not install the best plugins whilst we're here? (how fast can you read and type? Allow 30 to 45 mins for them all)
Part 7 - And it'd be rude not to setup Mobdro, the best software available for streaming Sports channels from the UK and all over the world, with links that never break unlike the ones on kodi that sometimes last for literally minutes (under a minute if you have quick fingers!)

No Zgemma satellite / cable box and just wanting Kodi and Mobdro set up?
If you dont have a Zgemma box, your just wanting Kodi & Mobdro installed and set up, so start at Part 2 and ignore Part 5 (pretty obvious once you read thru the guide)

Have an Android box instead of a Fire TV stick?

If you have an Android box there is no need for "sideloading", so simply install Kodi from the Google Play Store, and Mobdro from via your device's browser, then start at Part 5

Have a Raspberry Pi instead of a Fire TV stick?

If you have a Raspberry Pi, similarly, there is no need for "sideloading", so install Kodi from one of the any builds readily available ( Multi Boot Pi | For all your multi-boot needs! is a fantastic site and has builds that will make your jaw drop) , but unfortunately Mobdro is Android only, so again start at Pt5

Parts 6 and 7 take up most of the guide and are totally optional, but if you google Mobdro or any of the add-ons, Im sure you will agree they are definitely worth it......

Part 1 : Get your Zgemma's IP address

If you On your Zgemma remote pres the MENU button, and go to Information, then Network.
Your IP address will be the very top line, starting 12.168.0........

Part 2 : Now make the Fire tv stick accept software that isnt from the Amazon market

The Amazon Fire stick doesnt allow you to install apps that arent from the Amazon market, so you download them to a pc, and use software to install remotely over wifi - called "sideloading". But, to sideload, you need the Fire stick's IP address.

So, boot up the Fire TV stick.
On the Home screen go to Settings, System, and About.
On this screen, scroll down to Network, and take a note of your IP address that appears on the 2nd line - it will start 192.168.0.......

We now know where to send the apps to over wifi. Lets make the stick install apps that arent from the Amazon market.

Press the back button and select Developer Settings (ie Settings, System, Developer Options).
Now put "ADB Debugging" on, and put "Apps from Unknown" on
Go back to the home page on your Fire TV Stick and thats it ready to go!

Part 3 : Aquire and install the software required onto your PC to install those apps onto the Fire stick

Boot up your PC / laptop.
Go to
Scroll down and download the Android ARM version of Kodi by clicking on "ARM" and it will save Kodi 16 Jarvis to your PC. You now have Kodi for your Fire TV stick.

Now go to and download Mobdro.
You now have the best Android program for free Sport channels ever.

Now to get the software to transfer it to the Fire stick.....

Go to http: // [without the space after "http"] or click on the link adbLink and scroll down to you see the blue download link for "abdLink 2.06 for Windows", and click on it to download to your PC.

Once downloaded, install it and run it.
Click on the "New" icon just to the right of where it says Current device/ Fire stick
On the screen that appears, your only filling in 2 lines: "Description" and "Address".
Put anything in the description box, and enter your IP address you got earlier (the 192.168.....etc) in the Address line, then click on "Save" down near the bottom.

Now your back on the home page, click on the pull down at "Current device" near the top left and select your newly added device, ie your Fire TV stick.
Now click connect" near the top right.
You will now see an IP address in the white Android Devices box showing your Fire Tv stick is now linked to your PC. If that box remains empty, the link hasnt taken place, so double check you have the correct IP address.

Part 4 : install Kodi and Mobdro onto your Fire stick

Click on Install APK, and select the Kodi file you just downloaded.
If your asked to confirm the install, do so.
After about 30 seconds, a progress bar will appear showing how the install is progressing, and you will get a message telling you once its completed.
Now again click on Install APK, and select the Mobdro file you just downloaded, and install that.

Once both are installed on the Fire TV stick, depending on the version of the Amazon software on your stick, it may not show you the apps in the recent bar on the home screen.
Have a look - if they aren there, simply go to Settings, Applications, Manage Installed Applications.
Here, scroll down to you see Kodi and Mobdro, and launch from there (this is actually where you can launch ANY app on your device).

Part 5 : Setup the PVR plugin on Kodi that streams your Zgemma channels

Load Kodi
Go to System, settings, TV
On the "TV- Settings" screen, make sure the second option, "Disable "Connection lost" warnings is enabled (should turn blue).
Now go back up to the top option, "Enabled", and enable it.
A pop-up will now appear telling you no PVR plugin is enabled and that you need to select one, so press OK.
In the list that appears, scroll to the very bottom and choose "VU+ / Enigma2 Client"
(if you ever need to update your Zgemma's IP address, this add-on can be found at System, Settings, Add-ons, My Add-ons, PVR Clients), and click on "Configure"

There will now be 3 tabs available along the top.
In the General tab, in the "VU+ hostname or IP address" box, clear out the exmple entry and type in your IP address (the one that starts with 192.168.0....) then select OK
Ensure the "Fetch picons from webinterface" option is enabled
Select the "Update interval in minutes" box and change the value to 1440 then click on the return icon once done

Now select the "Channels" tab
Ensure "Fetch only one bouquet" is enabled
[ there are over 900+ channels on the Zgemma box. If you dont select just one bouquet, it will attempt to download the EPG and program info for ALL of those channels. Depending on your wi-fi this could take up to half an hour, so you can see why you just select one bouquet ]

Select "TV-Bouquet" and in here, (assuming you have got all your channels already added to your Favourites group on the Zgemma), type in "Favourites (TV)" [ without the quotation marks ] then click on Done. There is a space before the "(TV) part and it has to be exactly as typed - " Favourites (tv)" for example wont work.

If you havent added channels to your favourites group, google how to, but in the meantime, to try the plugin out why not select the sports channels instead? So, if you want, type in "Sports" instead, and select Done.

In the next box, if you ONLY HAVE ONE TUNER on your Zgemma enabled, ensure that the "Zap before..." option is enabled. If you have both tuners enabled, make sure it ISNT selected.
Now just select OK at the bottom, and when it puts you back to the previous screen, select Enable near the bottom.

If you then exit out of Kodi and reboot it, a few seconds after Kodi has finished loading, you will see a message in the very top right corner of the screen telling you the PVR plugin is looking for data, and you will see all the channel data being pulled in, and the TV option on the home screen should now be present.

On the home screen, go to TV.
You will see several options on the home screen for TV viewing - Channels, Guide, Recordings etc.
I personally just select Channels as its far quicker to navigate through, but try the EPG if it rocks your boat, and when you select a channel via that, you also need to click on "switch" to view it.
Recordings are your recordings on the box, but on woosh's build, if you have several episodes in a folder, that folder isnt picked up here.

Part 6 : Heck, youve now got Kodi - so why not install the best plugins whilst we're here?

Although it looks daunting, with 99.9% of Kodi Video and Music add-ons, you are only doing just 3 simple things:

1) Giving kodi a source to download the add-ons from, which is always via a website.
2) Telling kodi what zip file in particular to download from that site.
3) Choosing what add-on (called a repository on Kodi) in particular to install from the zip file, as the zip files can contain the details of several add-ons.

That is it! Those 3 simple steps are all thats needed to install literally 99.9% of all the add-ons available for Kodi.

In the instructions below, you may need to use some common sense. If the instructions for example ask you to install a file called , eg, "Jims repository v1.3" and there is only a newer version there, eg "Jims repository v2.1", then install that, and there may be "_" or "-" used instead of spaces in the filenames, or there is a fullstop at the start meaning it will be the first entry in the list (as .Xunity have now done with their add-ons), or the filenames have changed since the instructions came out, eg "repository.Jim" may now be just "repo-Jim" or "Jims-repository" etc, meaning you may need to scan through a list, but, it should still be pretty obvious what file you need. And, some repository's may be down for maintenance, so if you get an error, simply ty to install the relevant add-on the following day.

After you have installed any of the following add-on's, a small notification box will briefly pop up in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, giving you the Add-on enabled notification.
Once this appears you will now be able to use your newly installed add-on by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons on the home screen, except for the following which are available under MUSIC and Add-ons:
The Music Source, mp3 streams (forget Spotify for all your music needs!), and BOB (which is in Music and Videos due to its content).

The following are intructions on how to install the most popular add-ons.
You can install as many or as few as you want, picking and chosing as you go.
Luckily, there are a few installs where several add-ons are from the same website / repository, so its minimal work to install a few add-ons in one go. After all the various add-on instructions, there are a couple of very valuable set-up ajustments that will make Kodi much more easier to use.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Due to the thread not displaying the actual URL's, and instead converting them into clickable links, Ive had to put spaces in the web addresses after the "http" part. If you see any spaces, do NOT enter them when typing in the web address - its the only way I can get them to appear correctly here.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Install "Celtic FC" and "The Music Source" on Kodi:
[both repositories are from the same website and zip file, saving lots of duplicate installation work]
Load Kodi
From the bar going across the home screen select System, then File Manager
Select Add Source
Select the web address box saying "None"
Type in the following exactly : http: //
and then select Done
Highlight the box underneath to enter a name for this media source, and type in magic (if not already populated) and select OK
Select the back arrow and go back to your home screen.
Select System again, but then Settings
Select Add-ons
Select Install from zip file
Select magic
Select repository.aresproject
Wait a few seconds for the Add-on enabled pop up to briefly appear down in the bottom right corner of screen
Select Install from repository (or Get Add-Ons if using the older "Helix" version of Kodi)
Select Ares Project
Select Video add-ons
Select CelticFC
Select Install
Now select "The-Music-Source", then select install
You will now be able to use your newly installed add-ons by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons, and MUSIC and Add-ons on the home screen.

Install "Rangers FC Follow Follow" on Kodi:
Load Kodi
From the bar going across the home screen select System, then File Manager
Select Add Source
Select the web address box saying "None"
Type in the following exactly : http: // and then select Done
Highlight the box underneath to enter a name for this media source, and type in slims repo and select OK
Select the back arrow and go back to your home screen.
Select System again, but then Settings
Select Add-ons
Select Install from zip file
Select Slims Repository
Wait a few seconds for the Add-on enabled pop up to briefly appear down in the bottom right corner of screen
Select Install from repository (or Get Add-Ons if using the older "Helix" version of Kodi)
Select Slims Repository
Select Video add-ons
Select Follow Follow
Select Install
You will now be able to use your newly installed add-on by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons on the home screen.

Install "Final Gear" (all episodes of Top Gear, Fifth Gear, Car SOS, & Wheeler Dealer's), Maverick TV (A.K.A. MatsBuilds), and "The JukeBox" on Kodi:
[all repositories are from the same website and zip file, saving lots of duplicate installation work]
Load Kodi
From the bar going across the home screen select System, then File Manager
Select Add Source
Select the web address box saying "None"
Type in the following exactly : http: // and then select Done
Highlight the box underneath to enter a name for this media source, and type in goliath (if not already populated) and select OK
Select the back arrow and go back to your home screen.
Select System again, but then Settings
Select Add-ons
Select Install from zip file
Select goliath
Wait a few seconds for the Add-on enabled pop up to briefly appear down in the bottom right corner of screen
Select Install from repository (or Get Add-Ons if using the older "Helix" version of Kodi)
Select Goliaths Add-ons repository
Select Video Add-Ons
Select MatsBuilds IPTV
Select Install
Now select Final Gear, then select Install
Now select The JukeBox, then select Install
You will now be able to use your newly installed add-on by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons on the home screen.

Install "Specto" on Kodi:
Load Kodi
From the bar going across the home screen select System, then File Manager
Select Add Source
Select the web address box saying "None"
Type in the following exactly : http: // and then select Done
Highlight the box underneath to enter a name for this media source, and type in filmkodi (if not already populated) and select OK
Select the back arrow and go back to your home screen.
Select System again, but then Settings
Select Add-ons
Select Install from zip file
Select filmkodi
Wait a few seconds for the Add-on enabled pop up to briefly appear down in the bottom right corner of screen
Select Install from repository (or Get Add-Ons if using the older "Helix" version of Kodi)
Select repositor-MrKnow
Select Video add-ons
Select Specto - ... Fork
Select Install
You will now be able to use your newly installed add-on by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons on the home screen.

Install "Exodus", "SALTS", "Velocity", "Phoenix", "ccloud", "Pro SPort", and "MP3 Streams" on Kodi:
[all repositories are from the same website and zip file, saving lots of duplicate installation work]
Load Kodi
From the bar going across the home screen select System, then File Manager
Select Add Source
Select the web address box saying "None"
Type in the following exactly : http: // and then select Done
Highlight the box underneath to enter a name for this media source, and type in fusion (if not already populated) and select OK
Select the back arrow and go back to your home screen.
Select System again, but then Settings
Select Add-ons
Select Install from zip file
Select fusion
Select xbmc-repos
Select English
Again, select Install from zip file, select fusion, select xbmc-repos, select English
Now select
Again, select Install from zip file, select fusion, select xbmc-repos, select English
Now select
Again, select Install from zip file, select fusion, select xbmc-repos, select English
Now select
Again, select Install from zip file, select fusion, select xbmc-repos, select English
Now select
Again, select Install from zip file, select fusion, select xbmc-repos, select English
Now select
Wait a few seconds for the Add-on enabled pop up to briefly appear down in the bottom right corner of screen
Now select Install from repository (or Get Add-Ons if using the older "Helix" version of Kodi)
Select Exodus Repository
Wait for the enabled notification down the bottom right
Select Video add-ons
Select Exodus
Select Install
Now press back twice and select tknorris release repository
Select Video add-ons, Stream All The Sources, Install
Now press back twice and select Blaztamers repository
Select Video add-ons, Velocity, Install
Now press back twice and select Addon repository
Select Video add-ons, Phoenix, Install
Now press back twice and select podgod repo
Select Video add-ons, cCloud TV, Install,then select Pro Sport, Install
Now press back twice and select KinKins repo
Select MUSIC add-ons, MP3 Streams, Install
Wait for it to say "Enabled" next to MP3 streams
Select MP3 Streams again once it says "Enabled"
Select Configure
Disable "Choose the Golden Path", and make sure "Use alternative Gotham" is enabled, then select OK
You will now be able to use your newly installed add-ons by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons, and MUSIC and Add-ons on the home screen.

Install "UK Turks Playlists", and "Live Mix TV" on Kodi:
[both repositories are from the same website and zip file, saving lots of duplicate installation work]
Load Kodi
From the bar going across the home screen select System, then File Manager
Select Add Source
Select the web address box saying "None"
Type in the following exactly : http: // and then select Done
Highlight the box underneath to enter a name for this media source, and type in mk repo (if not already populated) and select OK
Select the back arrow and go back to your home screen.
Select System again, but then Settings
Select Add-ons
Select Install from zip file
Select mk repo
Wait a few seconds for the Add-on enabled pop up to briefly appear down in the bottom right corner of screen
Select Install from repository (or Get Add-Ons if using the older "Helix" version of Kodi)
Select MetalKettles Addon Repository
Select Video add-ons
Select UK Turk Playlists
Select Install
Now select Live Mix, then Install
You will now be able to use your newly installed add-on by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons on the home screen.
You will now be able to use your newly installed add-ons by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons on the home screen.

Install "BBC iPlayer", "ITV Player", UKTVPlay (for Dave On Demand etc) "iStream", and "OpenLoad Movies" on Kodi:
[all repositories are from the same website and zip file, saving lots of duplicate installation work]
Load Kodi
From the bar going across the home screen select System, then File Manager
Select Add Source
Select the web address box saying "None"
Type in the following exactly : http: // and then select Done
Highlight the box underneath to enter a name for this media source, and type in xfinity (if not already populated) and select OK
Select the back arrow and go back to your home screen.
Select System again, but then Settings
Select Add-ons
Select Install from zip file
Again, select Install from zip file, select xfinity, XunityTalk_Repository.ip
Select Install from repository (or Get Add-Ons if using the older "Helix" version of Kodi)
Select iSTREAM XBMC Addons Repository
Select Video add-ons
Select iSTREAM
Select Install
Now press back twice and select .XunityTalk Repostory [ thats a full stop at the start]
Select Video add-ons, Openload Movies, Install
Now select BBC iPlayer, then Install
Now select ITV, then Install
Now select UKTVPlay, then Install
You will now be able to use your newly installed add-ons by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons on the home screen.

Install "Imperial Streams", MD Watch TV Series", and "123 Movies" on Kodi:
[all repositories are from the same website and zip file, saving lots of duplicate installation work]
Load Kodi
From the bar going across the home screen select System, then File Manager
Select Add Source
Select the web address box saying "None"
Type in the following exactly : http: // and then select Done
Highlight the box underneath to enter a name for this media source, and type in muckys (may need to delete whats there) and select OK
Select the back arrow and go back to your home screen.
Select System again, but then Settings
Select Add-ons
Select Install from zip file
Select muckys
Wait a few seconds for the Add-on enabled pop up to briefly appear down in the bottom right corner of screen
Select Install from repository (or Get Add-Ons if using the older "Helix" version of Kodi)
Select Mucky Ducks Repo
Select Video add-ons
Select Imperial Streams
Select Install
Now select MD.WatchSeries, then Install
Now select 123Movies, then Install *

You will now be able to use your newly installed add-ons by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons on the home screen.
* if this plugin doesnt work the website it looks to might need updated *
Go to Video add-ons and highlight (but do not select) 123movies.
Now open the "context" menu by holding down select on the Fire Stick remote until Configure appears - select it
Select Site-URL, change BaseURL to http: // then select OK

Install "Project Cypher" on Kodi:
Load Kodi
From the bar going across the home screen select System, then File Manager
Select Add Source
Select the web address box saying "None"
Type in the following exactly : http: // and then select Done
Highlight the box underneath to enter a name for this media source, and type in cypherrepo (if not already populated) and select OK
Select the back arrow and go back to your home screen.
Select System again, but then Settings
Select Add-ons
Select Install from zip file
Select cypherrrpo
Wait a few seconds for the Add-on enabled pop up to briefly appear down in the bottom right corner of screen
Select Install from repository (or Get Add-Ons if using the older "Helix" version of Kodi)
Select Cyphers locker
Select Video add-ons
Select Project Cypher
Select Install
Then also select Cypher TV, then Install
You will now be able to use your newly installed add-on by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons on the home screen.

Install "BOB Unrestricted" on Kodi:
Load Kodi
From the bar going across the home screen select System, then File Manager
Select Add Source
Select the web address box saying "None"
Type in the following exactly : http: // and then select Done
Highlight the box underneath to enter a name for this media source, and type in portal (if not already populated) and select OK
Select the back arrow and go back to your home screen.
Select System again, but then Settings
Select Add-ons
Select Install from zip file
Select portal
Wait a few seconds for the Add-on enabled pop up to briefly appear down in the bottom right corner of screen
Select Install from repository (or Get Add-Ons if using the older "Helix" version of Kodi)
Select noobsandnerds Repository
Select Video add-ons
Select Bob
Select Install
You will now be able to use your newly installed add-on by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons on the home screen.
** This plugin will also be available from MUSIC and Add-ons on the home screen **

Install "Oblivion" on Kodi:
Load Kodi
From the bar going across the home screen select System, then File Manager
Select Add Source
Select the web address box saying "None"
Type in the following exactly : http: // and then select Done
Highlight the box underneath to enter a name for this media source, and type in Oblivion (may already say "repo" - delete this) and select OK
Select the back arrow and go back to your home screen.
Select System again, but then Settings
Select Add-ons
Select Install from zip file
Select Oblivion
Wait a few seconds for the Add-on enabled pop up to briefly appear down in the bottom right corner of screen
Select Install from repository (or Get Add-Ons if using the older "Helix" version of Kodi)
Select Oblivion Add-on Repository
Select Video add-ons
Select Oblivion streams
Select Install
You will now be able to use your newly installed add-on by going to VIDEOS and Add-ons on the home screen.

How to add short cuts to the home screen (very handy):

On the home screen go to System, Settings to get to the "Change Your Settings" screen.
Select Skin, then move to the right to select Settings
On the new screen scroll down to Add-on shortcuts
Now select Add-on 1 under "Home page "Videos" submenu
After a few seconds, the list will appear. Select Specto-...Fork
Now for Add-ons 2 thu to 5 select Exodus, UK Turks Playlist, Phoenix, and Cypher TV

Now select Add-on 1 under "Home page "Music" submenu
Select MP3 streams, then for 2 select Bob"

If you then go back to the home screen and scroll to the left, as you highlight MUSIC and then VIDEOS you will see your new shortcuts. Now you know how they work and what they do, feel free to change them to whatever suits.

The final adjustment (definitely worth it)

The easiest way to see what I mean is select VIDOES then Add-ons.
You will see a list which doesnt look very appealing.
So, press left, and at the very top of the screen under "View Options", keep pressing OK till you get to "Thumbnail" view, then press right to get back onto the main screen.
Doesnt that look much better?!
Now, you can also change the views within the add-ons.
Purely taken at random, select Specto-...Fork.
Once the list of options appears, ie Movies TV Shows, Channels etc, again press left.
At the very top of the screen under "View Options", again keep pressing OK till you get to "Thumbnail" view then press right to get back onto the main screen.
Now select Movies, then Latest Movies.
Again press ledt and change the view to "thumbnail then go back across and scroll up n down to see if thats how you like to view the films.
Go to view options again and try "Media Info" view, or "List view" - see how you like them.
You can do this with every plugin.

All these settings WONT be saved if you just pull the plug on Kodi - you need to select the power off icon down the very bottom left of the screen next to the "star".

Part 7 : Set up Mobdro

Once loaded, press right three times to highlight "Accept" for the User Agreement then select it to accept it.
The three lines up the very top left of screen should now be highlighted. So press the circular OK button to get onto the Options screen.
Here, scroll down to Settings and move the "Enable hardware decoding" slider to the right (ie to put on) and similarly move the Sort Alphabetically slider to the right to put on as well. That will group all the channels together, and Mobdro is almost unusable without that option selected.

Now just go back to the Home page, and use the down key to see the groups of channels available, with "Sports" and "Channels" being the most useful - have a look!
Every now and then an advert will appear when you select a channel (this is how the App makes money) - just click on back, or move to the "X" and click on it to get back to your channel.

Have fun !
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Nice guide :)
Not sure you have noticed but its messed with the repo links so you just get the clickable link instead of displaying the actual url
What I do when using links is go advanced you'll see a # click that and paste the link in between the two
 that stops none members getting the info and helps with the links. I also use it for showing codes in the skin section[CODE]
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In the posting options if you untick where it says "Automatically parse links in text" it should post links as plain text.
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Thanks for that guys.
Will attempt the reformat tonight when i have more time so that non members need to join to read the links.
hi guys i have set up my zgemma to stream through the VU+ Enigma2 Client on kodi. i have got a bouquet with few of my fav channels in it all sorted but only hd channels work fine and all sd channels seem to keep buffering and it never settles down. all is fine on zgemma downstairs with all channels so im baffled any ideas?
I have kodi direct installed but kodi will not allow me to install the plug ins - there seems to be a system full issue. Deleted all the movies on hdd and when I du -h the system all looks small. when i try tom install an IPTV plug in I get var/lib/opkg/lock No space left on device. Any idea what is wrong?
Cracking guide! Will be a big help when I do one for a mate. Mine was done for me and given to me, just a question tho, if I want to add some of the add ons you have put on, do I just unplug from my tv, plug into my laptop and continue from part 6?
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