(ZGEMMA 2S - Sorry )I had a working OpenVix box supplied and working but I tried mtpockets ATV FTP my nline file over etc but nothing I would like to use ATV.
My line provider want to charge me and dont like the idea of me using a different image - apparently they use mgacam 1.38 teh mtpockets uses 1.35 I just cannot get it working
If someone can point me to a decent image and a way to Get SkyBlue EPG skin an up to date EPG and get my softcam working I would really appreciate it - as it is my box is basically a brick :(
My line provider want to charge me and dont like the idea of me using a different image - apparently they use mgacam 1.38 teh mtpockets uses 1.35 I just cannot get it working
If someone can point me to a decent image and a way to Get SkyBlue EPG skin an up to date EPG and get my softcam working I would really appreciate it - as it is my box is basically a brick :(