I have reflashed a H2S with OpenATV 6.3 and wooshbuild infinity, have put back on all plugins needed, and everything seemed great - until I came to put my username and password in to easy vpn adder using the remote. As soon as the keyboard appears on screen all buttons on the remote result in an X appearing in the top corner of my screen indicating I can’t use that button. I can’t therefore enter my username and password to use this plugin... any ideas of what I need to do to get the on screen keyboard working or how I can edit a file maybe on the box to manually insert my username and password?
I have reflashed a H2S with OpenATV 6.3 and wooshbuild infinity, have put back on all plugins needed, and everything seemed great - until I came to put my username and password in to easy vpn adder using the remote. As soon as the keyboard appears on screen all buttons on the remote result in an X appearing in the top corner of my screen indicating I can’t use that button. I can’t therefore enter my username and password to use this plugin... any ideas of what I need to do to get the on screen keyboard working or how I can edit a file maybe on the box to manually insert my username and password?