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MECOOL KI / KIII Pro (Android) - Virgin Cable Tutorial | Techkings

MECOOL KI / KIII Pro (Android) - Virgin Cable Tutorial


I've had the box for a while now and got it running with Android TV OS. Works how I wanted it to work, since I only use the apps and Freeview (DVB-T) tuner.

The box supports DVB-T DVB-C DVB-S, so I decided to see if I could get Virgin working on the box. It works (nearly) perfectly and the instructions and video are below.

It's using the DTV app which is in the stock ROM for these boxes and on "SuperCeleron" custom ROMs for the box.



  1. Open the DTV app and go to installation
  2. Setup the DVB-C tuner and use this to help you enter the frequency/symbol/netid
  3. Let it scan
  4. Once complete, go back to installation, press DVB-C and press number 1 (6 times) to open the OSCAM menu
  5. Choose either Newcamd or CCcamd and enter your line details manually
  6. Wait for it to verify the connection and you can now watch the channels

Disadvantages I've found so far:

  • EPG doesn't work very well with the program listings, maybe I didn't wait long enough?
  • The initial scan only found 200 channels so it may need to rescan a few times weirdly... (Or it's related to my DVB-T tuner being faulty on HD channels)
I can't seem to pick up Virgin Media using this box. I've tried the auto scan and manual settings. Adjusted to UK settings. No luck. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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