EDIT: Problem resolved in the most technical way (I unplugged everything, unscrewed then rescrewed connectors and then restarted) I imagine there was a vm fault in the area that caused it or possibly a loose connection who knows. Just glad it's resolved
I woke up today and all my channels had gone. ABM is set to scan every morning at 7am and this morning the scan found 0 channels. I'm using a Zgemma H5.2TC on Openatv 6.3 with Wooshbuild infinity. Box is only about 6 months old.
I have virmin broadband only, no TV. I have had TV in the past, so the cables and splitters are the ones that were supplied by VM and I've checked that all connections aren't loose.
My Net ID is for Haringey 40985
I keep getting Failed to tune Virgin (UK) on tuner C. Same on tuner B.
Things I've tried so far;
1) Reflashed the box, reinstalled wooshbuild and then scanned.
2) Uninstalled, restarted box then reinstalled Autoboquetsmaker. I then tried to update providers but it said an update was not needed.
3) Scannned with only tuner B and then only with tuner C, both failed.
4) A manual scan (0 channels found)
5) An automatic scan without Autoboquetsmaker. 40 Channels found but no FTA channels (no channels 1-5) See screenshot 1. None of the channels play, there isn't channels 1-5 or vm info/highlights channels.
5) I tried connecting the Zgemma feed cable without the VM splitter, no luck.
7) Checked for Vm faults in my area (none found). Although I have found that sometimes faults don't show up. Unfortunately I have no neighbours I know who are on VM to ask.
8) Scanned with my NetID and scanned with it set to 00000. No difference
I found this post here; http://techkings.org/threads/a-few-channels-not-clearing-abm-not-refreshing.140445/
I'm kind of lost and havent tried installing the analyser as I can't really use the plugin in the above post as I have no channels currently working for me to analyse.
I've spent all of this morning trying to sort this but alas, I have not.
I'm off to work now, is there anymore troubleshooting I can do when I get back home tonight?
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