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Last movie you seen & rate it ?

Birds Of Prey

An absolute shambles of a movie and it's embarrassingly bad.
If anyone thought Harley Quinn was irritating in Suicide Squad then seriously don't watch this.
Joker, a really long haul for one and three quarter hours with a 20 min recovery plan at the end. 3 /10
Don't believe the hipe.

Ad Astra, just generally dull 3/10
Yeah, turned that one off three times and came back to it but its still shit!
I remember when I was having to take my sons to the cinema to see all sorts of movies, long time ago now, but looking back on it, I wish I could go back and re live it all again, they are the great times when your kids are young and innocent, its worth it to see the smiles on their faces when they leave the cinema, so enjoy every minute as in no time at all they will be grown up, at least now me and the mrs get to do it all again with the grandkids, and we take every opportunity to do so.
I remember when I was having to take my sons to the cinema to see all sorts of movies, long time ago now, but looking back on it, I wish I could go back and re live it all again, they are the great times when your kids are young and innocent, its worth it to see the smiles on their faces when they leave the cinema, so enjoy every minute as in no time at all they will be grown up, at least now me and the mrs get to do it all again with the grandkids, and we take every opportunity to do so.

Wish I had kids mate. Absolute joy they are. Most precious little angels in the world.

Have neices absolutely adore them. Shocked with half the stuff they come out with lol. Kids nowadays are just so smart and clever.
Had to watch 'Contagion'
Matt Damon 2011..
The chain of contagion involving bats and pigs is reminiscent of the trail of the Nipah virus (which infects cells in the respiratory and nervous systems, the same cells as the virus in the movie) that originated in Malaysia in 1997, which similarly involved the disturbance of a bat colony by deforestation. 7/10 .
Interrupted by Match of the day..
Guns akimbo 2020
Real life video shoot em up.
Mindless violence, but amusing.
Daniel Radcliffe, with attitude :emoji_muscle:
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