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Secret and Lies

My favourite film. I've seen it dozens of times and never fails to make me laugh and cry.

The scene in the cafe is beautiful, an acting masterclass. British drama at its very best.
the flight of the navigator
love this movie, just a nice simple movie

The Cloverfield Paradox
wasnt bad, explains the movies really, wont watch again
Monster Family, released today in cinemas and on Sky Movies

Drivel, must have taken 10 minutes to write, gags were so thin on the ground they were invisible, very surprised Nick Frost decided to get his prints on this particular trainwreck, total kak, avoid 2/10

i did enjoy it. but i get more question need to be asked than get answered in the movie
it is basically a humans are killing the world blame climate change movie thats all really
Yah was so disappointed by the second half of that film

How was a film about people being shrunk to the size of a finger not fun?

Has there ever been a wetter more beige lead character than Matt damons? Seriously imagine taking ken Barlow from Corrie and making him the lead character of a high concept fantasy film.

And that ******* annoying accent...

The film's second half was preachy dull nonsense.

I grew up watching land of the giants on channel 4 on weekend mornings. Razor blades strapped to matchsticks used to fight off giant killer ants? Yes please.

Ken Barlow lecturing me on consumer waste... nah, it's ok mate. There's dishes in the sink. Zzzzz
Phantom Thread, oscar evaluation version found in 720p, 3/10... :xd: :dying: :dead:

About two entirely unlikeable people who deserve each other, over 2 hours long! Pah!!
pacific rim uprising.

dumb movie, doesn't commit the crime of being boring, which for a movie about giant robots smashing giant aliens is a basic common courtesy [see any of the tranformers films for offensively dull robot mashing] - but all the attempts at humour fell fully flat. there's one fella who seems to be channeling lee evans' character in something about mary: he's the funniest person in the film. and he's pretending to be lee fuckin' evans. says it all.

clint eastwood's son, he has the charisma and demeanor of a gym instructor. his old man is broody, but he tries to emulate it without being at all menacing or intense. he turns every role to beige, and this wasnt a well written role.

but robots smashing the shit out of each other and cities, yah it passed the time quickly.
the book of henry

worth a watch 7/10

Was a bit disappointed with this film but agree with the 7/10 rating.
there was too much preparation for something that was never going to be delivered and the plot had more holes than a wheel of edam but overall it wasn't bad...a good story badly told would be my verdict but would recommend people to watch it just the same, just to see how the producers could have made a better job. It seems to me they got p!$$ed off with the concept half way through and just wanted to get it finished and get paid, could have been a 9/10 with a little more effort
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