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Joint tenancy agreement


TK Veteran
A friend's split up with his partner on a joint tenancy agreement. The agreement was a verbal one between them about a month back was that the woman was to leave on the 6th Jan but shes told him she will not be leaving so he's left.
She doesn't work, doesn't claim, basically she's lived off his wages for years and he's had enough he pays for everything.

His short term tenancy agreement ends on the 5th Feb so is he right in writing a letter to the landlord a.s.a.p saying he's leaving 5th Feb a month's notice and he will not be renewing the agreement?.

He'll pay the next months rent but after the agreement ends that's it he's not paying as like I said he's not signing the new tenancy agreement he's serving his notice.

Also the bond ? Does that get split ?. Any advise or letter templates on leaving a joint agreement would be great, top bloke but not the brightest
My understanding of this is once a one joined tenant ends the agreement then it ends for likely she will need to agree a separate short term agreement...but good luck with that if she ain't earning...also regards deposit if he is lead tenant he should get it all...prob best having word with landlord so he don't split it.
Thanks, basically he just wants what's his, his clothes few bits etc.
I had a good chat with him this morning he's cancelling all the bills from the same date he leaves legally. Most are in him name so when he's out so she'll have that to contend with.

I've known her for a few years and how the F he's put up with it for so long I honestly do not know.
They say loves blind, your not joking !. It's like Stevie Wonder meets Helen Keller
If I were in his position I would serve notice and begin compiling the written trail of correspondence to protect himself should it continue to escalate. I would get in writing with the landlord about the deposit, especially if your friend was the only name on the lease, ie, the master tenant.
My understanding of this is once a one joined tenant ends the agreement then it ends for likely she will need to agree a separate short term agreement...but good luck with that if she ain't earning...also regards deposit if he is lead tenant he should get it all...prob best having word with landlord so he don't split it.
I agree - this is also my understanding of shared tenancy agreements. When one party leaves, the agreement is null and void and needs to be re-signed. Landlords often use this as an opportunity to raise rent, because they can!

If it was me, I would be going to speak to Citizens Advice (or a professional) that can help advise on the best way to handle this.
Understanding your tenancy agreement

If anyone stays on after the fixed term ends​

The joint tenancy continues as a rolling or periodic tenancy if at least one joint tenant stays on after the fixed term ends.

This means that everyone is still responsible for rent - even those who have moved out.

If you have moved out, you have 2 options that can end your joint tenancy and your responsibility for rent.

Option 1​

Ask the remaining tenants to sign a new tenancy agreement with the landlord without your name on it. This is usually the best option for everyone.

Option 2​

Give a 'notice to quit' to the landlord.

This ends your joint periodic tenancy and ongoing responsibility for rent.

You do not need permission from the other tenants or the landlord to do this.

It could leave your former housemates in a difficult position because their tenancy will also end when your notice ends.

If the landlord accepts rent from them or they sign a new agreement, then they will have a new tenancy and can stay on.
This is a misnomer, they didn't have a joint tenancy.
It was a verbal agreement, not worth the paper it's not written on.
He is the sole tenant, the landlord has no obligation to his friend and neither does he.

The deposit will be returned to the person who paid it. It's not held by the landlord, it's in the hands of a deposit protection company.
Both are named on a short 6 month joint tenancy agreement. This needs to be re-signed 6th or 7th Feb the 6 months is up then.

He's always paid the rent from his bank and the next ones due in a few days which he'll pay.
He's manage to speak to the landlord this afternoon and he told him the script. My m8 said this months rent is the last he'll be paying as he paid up and up front. He's putting it in writing and taking it to the landlord tomorrow a month's notice and he's not re-signing the short term agreement.

The landlord has told me M8 that he's going to serve notice (section 21) on the pair of them in a few days. Reason is, the landlords had a few run ins with his ex over daft stuff simple repairs etc and he knows my m8's sound and he knows who pays the rent.

I think the landlord can see future major problems down the line if she remains in the flat on her own.
Only snag is the deposit/bond as he gave her cash so that might be gone for good.

So recently my m8 bought a couch, fridge washer on his card so if she takes it out is she legally stealing it if he has all the receipts ?. He said once the landlords served notice hes going to tell her to leave anything he's bought and leave them in the flat as hes got receipts for them all and he'll collect when she's gone.

The landlord said to my m8, once she's gone if you wanna re-sign a 6 month tenancy on your own it's up to you and move back in I'm fine with that.

So hopefully the section 21 will get her out. What's p*ssed my m8 off no end is he's now found out she's been banging folk over Christmas in the flat weeks after he's left.

So she's banging folk, not paying the rent, and my m8's sofa hopping

Fookin crazy
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Both are named on a short 6 month joint tenancy agreement. This needs to be re-signed 6th or 7th Feb the 6 months is up then.

He's always paid the rent from his bank and the next ones due in a few days which he'll pay.
He's manage to speak to the landlord this afternoon and he told him the script. My m8 said this months rent is the last he'll be paying as he paid up and up front. He's putting it in writing and taking it to the landlord tomorrow a month's notice and he's not re-signing the short term agreement.

The landlord has told me M8 that he's going to serve notice (section 21) on the pair of them in a few days. Reason is, the landlords had a few run ins with his ex over daft stuff simple repairs etc and he knows my m8's sound and he knows who pays the rent.

I think the landlord can see future major problems down the line if she remains in the flat on her own.
Only snag is the deposit/bond as he gave her cash so that might be gone for good.

So recently my m8 bought a couch, fridge washer on his card so if she takes it out is she legally stealing it if he has all the receipts ?. He said once the landlords served notice hes going to tell her to leave anything he's bought and leave them in the flat as hes got receipts for them all and he'll collect when she's gone.

The landlord said to my m8, once she's gone if you wanna re-sign a 6 month tenancy on your own it's up to you and move back in I'm fine with that.

So hopefully the section 21 will get her out. What's p*ssed my m8 off no end is he's now found out she's been banging folk over Christmas in the flat weeks after he's left.

So she's banging folk, not paying the rent, and my m8's sofa hopping

Fookin crazy
Get her out and move on its that simple once the flat is sorted.
With the Section 21 notice she will have 2 months to leave.
If she stays in the property after the two month notice has ended, the landlord will have to apply to court for a possession order to get the property back.
The process can take weeks depending on the area.
That's the plan, I think when the section21's served I think she'll simply up sticks and f**k off elsewhere well that's the plan, hopefully.

Shame really cause he's a top fella soft sod like, hates arguing & confrontation were as his ex-tramp is a loud mouth p*ss head. As soon as the ale flows so does the mouth I never liked her and she knew it
That's the plan, I think when the section21's served I think she'll simply up sticks and f**k off elsewhere well that's the plan, hopefully.

Shame really cause he's a top fella soft sod like, hates arguing & confrontation were as his ex-tramp is a loud mouth p*ss head. As soon as the ale flows so does the mouth I never liked her and she knew it
She's a parasite, there's millions of them, male and female, she wants a free ride, never working, no bills to pay, when it's over, move onto the next victim, he's just one of many, seen it hundreds of times before. He sounds a bit vulnerable, easy going, doesn't like confrontation, easy to manipulate, fooled into thinking she loves him/new beginning/fresh start etc, it's all a pile of shit.
He knows this himself now but it's taken him a while to realise it.
She has no feelings for anyone, she prostitutes herself for food and lodgings.

She's trying to stall because she's not found anyone (yet) who is prepared to take over the role of provider, although it sounds like she's giving it her best shot.

She's getting desperate now because her meal ticket is running out. You should use that to your advantage, she'll be clutching at straws in the very near future, offer her a straw and she'll be gone
So I'm going to help him sort a letter today and get it to the landlord in the next 24 hours as he's just over a month before the joint tenancy agreement runs out.
This way this will be the last rent payment he makes. It's like I said to him, it's ok the landlord saying "You can come back in when she's gone" but if she does dig her heels in for a few months and he's not handed a notice in he'll be liable for Feb and the March rent.

I suppose people like my m8 are easy bait for the likes of her. She'll move on and like a vampire bleed her next vulnerable victim till he gets shut.

I just hope the landlord does honour his word and has him back in as it took him ages to find this place and he loves it there minus her of course.

I warned him though, once you get sorted if you take her back in at any point do not bell me
The plan is, the landlords serving notice on them both on the 9th Jan. Once she's gone he'll move back in and sign a new short 6 month tenancy agreement.
He said to me yesterday he's a feeling she's ready for off as she messaged him asking will he be moving back in this Monday the 6th as he originally said he'd move back in then as he starts back work on that Monday. I told him "Do not f**kin reply, let her stew.

I think once she gets the Section 21 this week she'll not hang about and she'll up sticks (hopefully).
I honestly don't think she can afford to pay the rent and not that, once she's served notice it's inevitable she'll have to go
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