With due respect to your provider, just because ipleb has a way to add it already in the image, it doesn't mean the provider shouldn't have alternate ways to be able to install it. Not everyone wants to run ipleb, or WooshBuild, GrogBuild or whatever, some people flash their box and set it up themselves.
WooshBuild has a plugin for the provider we recommend but if someone isn't running WooshBuild then the IPK for the plugins are available. Just because they don't run WooshBuild doesn't mean the provider can't provide. It is only in WooshBuild because it makes life easy. With the ipk available and simple instructions given by the provider, the end user can use whatever they want.
Do you have IPTV on your bouquets? If so you can get the URL from one of the IPTV bouquets and with that, your username and password you can use Suls plugin and would be free to use whatever you want to use on your box and not be stuck with something because your IPTV provider says use ipleb.
I am trying to keep this post as impartial as possible as it is about the provider you have saying you need image X.
@dsayers2014 has done a lot of posts about setting up Suls etc but lots of us can help you form the URL needed to add to it.