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How to USB flash upgrade VU+ Solo2 | Techkings
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How to USB flash upgrade VU+ Solo2


1) Prepare a USB stick, format FAT32. I'd recommend using this HP Format tool.
2) Download the image you would like to use, extract the vuplus folder.
3) Copy the vuplus folder to root of your USB stick.
4) Connect to VU+ Solo2.
5) Power on, when prompted on front display to press power button, touch the BLUE cirlces to the left of the front panel. This is the touch sensitive power button.
6) Wait for the flashing process to complete and automatically reboot. DO NOT POWER OFF DURING THE FLASHING PROCESS!
are they still fussy about the usb sticks to use,i used a kingston usb which seems to be well known on my solo.
Hi there,

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---------- Post Merged at 08:45 PM ----------

1) Prepare a USB stick, format FAT32. I'd recommend using this HP Format tool.
2) Download the image you would like to use, extract the vuplus folder.
3) Copy the vuplus folder to root of your USB stick.
4) Connect to VU+ Solo2.
5) Power on, when prompted on front display to press power button, touch the BLUE cirlces to the left of the front panel. This is the touch sensitive power button.
6) Wait for the flashing process to complete and automatically reboot. DO NOT POWER OFF DURING THE FLASHING PROCESS!

How do know when to press the power button if for unit has no display and only a blue light?

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edit your other forum not allowed due to rules.

one reason to read the flashing guides to see what buttons are pressed to start the process,also having a flashing 8gb usb stick you see something happening.
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Can anyone assist this old retired trucker trying to help a friend out been looking this VU+SOLO SE2 box for two weeks now still trying to find away to flash it so it works just through Ethernet and using KODI, all i get is the Black Hole log the the SKY logo then a message about the software or something my friend cann of use the satelitte now money problems so i need to flash and install kodi , and help would be great I did post my first question yesterday and got help from another member , so please excuse my ignorance if not doing this correct i apologize to all if this is incorrect , thanks.
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