There's a few very simple rules to follow here:-
if someone rings you regarding anything whether it be tax, doctors, bank, council, Amazon etc etc etc and they ask you for personal or security or login details of any sort remember this, the vast majority would never ring you and start asking you for security details. The simple thing to do is, ask who they are, a name and hang up then ring that relevant department using their official online contact details and simply ask has such abody been trying to contact you.
Never reply to any text emails with links regardless even if there's a chance their legit, ignore & delete. If your buying online use a credit card not debit or PayPal but my pref is a credit card, this way you have some kind of protection especially with credit card your insured. Always remember this, with a credit card you are buying with the banks money not yours. Regular change your Google password, I change mine weekly or use a password protection say Nord or one of numerous others.
Use a VPN
I'm not saying these tips are bullet proof will protect you 100% but they will go a long long way to preventing online fraud and you been scammed