Sorry to be a scrounge but I have a 2004 Punto that didn't come with a radio code when I got it and it stopped working a few months ago. Only just got organized enough to get the serial numbers and thought I found a legit way to get the code but it was a scam site.
The numbers are: BP237546898090 7642375316
I would be grateful for a code but if not I would also be grateful to be directed to a website I can trust to get the code.
Thanks again, and if there is anything I can do to contribute back to these forums please let me know.
The numbers are: BP237546898090 7642375316
I would be grateful for a code but if not I would also be grateful to be directed to a website I can trust to get the code.
Thanks again, and if there is anything I can do to contribute back to these forums please let me know.