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Bluboo Picasso 4G... | Techkings

Bluboo Picasso 4G...


Hey all! ...hope you are doing well.
Bit of a random one but gotta give it a shot!
I have a Bluboo Picasso 4G phone and would simply like to know if anyone can tell me where I can source a replacement battery for the thing!...the obvious and usual suspects have drawn a fat ziltch at the moment (eBay, Amazon, AliExpress to name but a few)...and just to rub salt into my already open wound-the twatting manufacturer over in China has bounced emails back at me for some unknown reason!!! ...there is plenty on offer for the standard Picasso...the 4G, however, is a totally different beast...and I simply cannot believe that there aren't any out there...or maybe I'm wrong!

If anyone can shed some light on my situation or stumbles upon any useful links...could you give me a it's actually a decent blower and in fantastic nick...just a shame I can no longer use the bleeder!!!

Cheers folks and all the best!

Hey @pabloescaban ...really appreciate the reply... here's the rub though...from my dogged quest, the first link I've messaged twice previously and no answer...was dubious when I first saw it as the photos are of the standard Picasso battery... leading me to the second link- who replied that it is not suitable for my model!...this is what I'm up against dude!!!
Thank you again for your response though and for taking the time to look :(y): on!

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