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Best iptv box

hi all,

Got a good iptv sub but android box i had wasnt great kingbox k3 lots of speed issues with ethernet 6mb down when a phone on wifi could achieve 175mb. I cant decide between android or mag could you give me a hand and tell me the best of each and what you prefer. Thanks
Depends what you are looking for. if you want the sky look you need a Enigma 2 box. The easiest way to set up is to use a magbox. If you need to run multiple apps on one device use a android box.
Yes I just purchased the Formuler z7+ I like it so far still learning I’m a noob on this device

Use a mag256 never had a problem with it very simple to use and reliable. I use the mag with my main tv for football and ppv. Secondly I have an android box H96 quad core in a bedroom, it has stb emu and in my opinion very little difference between that and the mag, the mag probably loads up quicker but not much. The beauty of the android is besides iptv I have terrarium and showbox + cheap ebay netflix, and for downloading I have a vpn installed. At the end of the day it's personal choice, some people on here have not got a good word to say about android boxes but I find them ok. If anything went wrong with mine I might be tempted if I could afford it to go for the Formuler Z7 only because they get a good press from people on here and they are android, but they are nearly £100. BTW never had any overheating problems with either.
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