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sky skin | Techkings

sky skin

  1. sparkesj2

    Old style Sky or Virgin/NTL themes

    I am a bit of an older technology enthusiast and absolutely adore the interfaces of both the old Sky digiboxes (one with epg music) and the old NTL/VM themes. None of this modern Plus HD, Q and TiVo rubbish. So I was wondering has anyone made any skins like this or would it be possible to make...
  2. Chabs

    skyQ Skin V3.000 (New Layout)

    Download the attached rar file Extract the ipk in the downloaded rar file and ftp the extracted ipk file to /tmp of your reciever Installation: Telnet command opkg update && opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk OpenATV Menu... setup... software management... install local extension...
  3. carbo

    New member - needs some constructive advice on which Box?

    HI hope you can help as i have just joined and spent a lot of time seqrching threads tryong to decipher the terminiology and advice that is shared here. Ideally I would value anyone who has experience of both the mag box and the Zgemma box themselves to get an unbiased opinion. I know some...
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