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  1. dsayers2014

    Sky FTA into Virgin UK CustomMix - NO Longer supported

    Hi im starting to do a Custommix for Virgin Media UK to swap channels with FreeSat This is a VIRGIN MEDIA line-up with all the free channels from sky replacing those on the Virgin Lineup at the moment im not sure of the channels to swap but this CustomMix (Thanks to rossi2000) adds all FreeSat...
  2. dsayers2014

    DsayersBuild Dsayers Openatv complete backup for zgemma H.2H

    Dsayers Openatv series for the zgemma H2.H with Kiddacs VSkin HD with slyk1hd set it as your skin And mgcamd1.38 and cccam2.30 with setup guide this backup has been set to generate one set of bouquets by replacing the non-available sky hd channels with vm hd channels so the channel numbers...
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