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lgtv | Techkings


  1. J


    Hi ,i have installed SMART IPTV on my LGTV,got the links from a website for free,the channels work well,but sometimes when its streaming something the screen turns black and comes back again in 3 4 seconds. Any help is appreciated
  2. J


    I have a LGTV,installed the SMARTIPTV,got the url from a website that has m3u channels playlist for every country ,the channels are all loaded but dont start they all say connecting... and even if you wait 10 minutes it doesnt start,my internet speed is 20mbs HELP!
  3. TheSource

    LG input informations (Resolution, Internet Speed, FPS) ? Is there a way to view this?

    Hello guys I'm wondering if theres a option to view screen information when you're watching a certain channel etc on a LG Smart TV?
  4. celldweller

    TV recommendations

    Hi all, I am looking for a new TV in the region of £250-£350. I am looking through TV's as they all seem pretty much the same but at some point I will side load some other apps on to it. Can anyone recommend anything? This is what I am currently considering...
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